News & Events
September 29, 2017
Why Is Safety Training Essential for Electricians?
Starting a new career as an electrician is an exciting time. You have made the decision to move on with your education and you are at the very beginning of a new professional path. It seems like the possibilities
are endless – and they just might be.
Along with getting the book-based background knowledge and the hands-on training that you need to work in the electrical industry, you need to know the safety standards to follow. Why is safety training an important
part of your electrician education and apprenticeship? Aside from keeping yourself safe, you need to keep the people and structures you’re in safe.
Understanding the importance of safety on the job is the first step to making sure that you minimize the potential risks that electrical work comes with. Take a look at some more of the reasons why safety training
is absolutely essential for every electrician.
Reduce Your Risks
No one wants to get injured on the job. Not only are work-related injuries painful, but they put you out of work temporarily or, in some of the most serious cases, may mean that you can’t go back to your job.
Even though work-related injuries are a major issue, with proper training you can minimize your risks. This allows you to do your job without having to worry about major problems. Of course, accidents can happen
to anyone, even if you are trying your best to be safe. But if you don’t have adequate safety training, you’re putting yourself in harm’s way.
Luckily, there are plenty of opportunities to learn about the safety side of the electrical field. Not only can you get classroom instruction, but you can learn about safety measures during on the job training experiences. Senior-level electricians who are helping you to learn the ropes can model proper safety techniques, mentoring you in more ways than you might expect. Not only are you learning the trade, but you’re getting lessons in how to do your job in the safest way possible.
Keep Co-Workers Safe
There are times when you may work alone. But then there are times when a job may require you to work with other electricians or other types of contractors. Their safety is important too. While they should also fully
understand proper safety measures, what you do can have an impact.
Along with the technical aspect of adhering to safety standards, you also need to know how to communicate effectively. Why is talking important to your job? Being able to communicate safety issues or potential
problems to a co-worker or another technician can save a life or save someone from injury.
For example, there’s a live wire that you know about, but your co-worker has no idea that there’s electricity flowing through it. Maybe your co-worker could guess that touching it isn’t a smart idea, but maybe they won’t. It’s your responsibility to let them know about potential dangers.
When you are knowledgeable about safety precautions, including how to communicate effectively, you can reduce the risk to the professionals who work around you.
Keep Homeowners and Building Residents Safe
Chances are that you won’t always work in a new construction or empty building. Much of your work is in structures where people live and work. When other people are around your training can keep them safe.
Not only can you prevent possible structure-based issues, such as fires, but you can also educate the consumer about electrical safety. This minimizes risks and helps you to do your job without worrying that
someone will get hurt.
Do you need safety training? IEC Greater Cincinnati can help.