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April 8, 2020

Electrician Pay & Hours: How Much Do Electricians Make?

Electrician work hours and pay

How many hours do electricians work? If you’re new to the profession, take a look at what you can expect from your soon-to-be work week and how much you’ll get paid for these hours.

Do Electricians Work Full Time?

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), most electricians work full-time hours. This means as a professional in the electrical repair and installation trade, you’re likely to work a 40-hour week.

In some situations, full-time employees may need to work more than a 40-hour per week schedule. If your job has a busy season or there is too much work to accomplish during the regular work day, your employer may ask you to work overtime hours. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires employers to pay non-exempt employees overtime pay for time worked in excess of 40 hours.

While the FLSA doesn’t limit the number of overtime hours you can work (provided you’re over 16), it does require employers to pay their employees a minimum of time and half their hourly rate. Even though the FLSA mandates overtime pay for time worked over 40 hours, some employees aren’t covered by this law.

Exempt employees who are paid a salary and contract/freelance employees are not entitled to overtime pay. If your employer hires you as a full time salaried exempt employee, you may need to work more than 40 hours each week with no change in your pay. Likewise, if you are self-employed, you won’t get overtime pay.

Do Electricians Work Part-Time?

Even though most electricians work full time 40-hour weeks, some do work part time hours. If you have a second job, care for your children, care for an elderly parent, are still in school, or have another obligation that takes up a sizable chunk of your time, a part time schedule may fit your needs better than a traditional full time arrangement.

This type of schedule may include partial workdays or regular workdays at a less frequent rate (such as two or three days per week). If you choose a part time schedule to work around your child’s care, a class, or another obligation, make sure your employer offers the specific hours you need.

Part-time employees are not included in the FLSA and aren’t eligible for overtime pay. This means if you’re hired to work 20 hours per week, you won’t get time and a half for anything over 21. As a part-time employee, you also may not receive some of the benefits full-time workers do. Along with overtime pay, these could include health insurance, paid time off, or vacation days.

How Do Electricians’ Hours Compare to Other Jobs?

Again, most full-time employees work a 40-hour week. According to the BLS’s statistics, in January of 2020 the average work week for a nonfarm, non-manufacturing employee worked 34.3 per week. The average hourly work week for manufacturing employees was higher, at 40.4.

In a non-manufacturing, non-supervisory job, an electrician can expect their average full-time work week to fall somewhere near the 34.3 hour average. Keep in mind, this figure includes work weeks that fall well under 40 hours and those well above the mark.

When averaged out across all U.S.-based employees, you get just over 34 hours. Your job may require a standard 40 hours, may have less hourly availability (less hours needed to work), or may include several hours of paid overtime. Specifics often depend on the location of the job and the season of the year.

How Much Do Electricians Make?

How much will you get paid for the full or part-time hours you work? According to the BLS, the median hourly pay for an electrician was $26.53 in 2018. Salaried employees made an average of $55,190 per year.

Are you ready to start a career as an electrician? Contact IEC of Greater Cincinnati for more information.